I've been working out a rough plan for the composition of the Aquilonian army using the Black Powder rules system. I like the Black Powder mechanics, being familiar with them through Warmaster and whilst they might be for "big" games, there is nothing wrong with being ambitious, especially in plastic...
Consequently I'm working on the idea of a three brigade army, each with three infantry regiments, one cavalry and one artillery battery. This will probably change as time goes on (possibly grouping the cavalry into one brigade), but the thing about Black Powder is it flexibility in this area (I may also use Barry Edward's Playable Napoleonic Wargames for some smaller Brigade level games if I can dig out my old copy).

Armed with a plan I then had to decide on unit sizes etc and I have (for the time being) decided to go with 36 figure regiments for the Aquilonians. My initial idea was to have six figures on a 40mm square base but even the slender HaT figures are too big for this so I've had to switch to four a base. I've got 8 bases now ready for undercoating, the (ninth) command base will have to wait until HaT release their (28017) French Chasseur Command as the Voltigeurs only have one officer figure and no musician of standard bearer. I may end up converting some figures for command bases with future regiments but have enough figures now to paint with this regiment and the Carabiniers who will probably form a Poitainian Guard regiment (current plan is each regiment will come from a different Aquilonian province).

Luckily this issue with command looks like it will only affect these early boxes as all subsequent releases seem to be in three box sets, marching, action poses and command. That said, converting the HaT plastics is very easy, especially head swaps and I took the opportunity to decapitate and switch a number of heads between the Voltigeur and Carabinier sets, as the uniforms are identical with only the headgear differing.